Thứ Hai, 21 tháng 8, 2017

Platinum #177: The Assembly

Hey there!

The Assembly was initially released for VR only but later on there has been a patch which allows you to play the game without VR.

The graphics and the controls aren’t that bad – when playing with a controller – but could have been better. Unfortunately I don’t own VR so I can’t tell you how it looks and feels to play this game VR. I didn’t pair much attention to the story but I all can tell you is that I got bored pretty early.

The game itself is, at least in my opinion, a pretty boring walking simulator. This means that most of the time you’re walking around and do some stuff to advance with the story. Most of the time you’re solving some more or less easy puzzles. Luckily the game doesn’t take that long and all of its trophies can be unlocked in one playthrough by following a guide. If you’re playing through the game blindly, there’s a high chance that you miss the one or the other trophies. Upon beating the game you unlock chapter select, which makes the clean trophy up pretty easy.

I can recommend this game to any trophy hunter who’s out for a quick Platinum Trophy but I’d wait until this game is on sale. For all other players it would be best to save your money and spend it on another game, unless you’re a hardcore fan of puzzle games.

Following the video by IBadDriverI you should be able to beat the game in around 3 hours.


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