Thứ Tư, 13 tháng 12, 2017

Platinum #210-212: Squareboy vs Bullies (EU PS4, NA PS4, EU Vita)

Hey there!

A short and easy game with a lot of stacks? That’s exactly what I like.

What is the game all about?
Squareboy vs Bullies is a typical Beat ‘em Up – you must beat all enemies within one screen before you can move on. From time to time some enemies will drop weapons which you can pick up, allowing you to do more damage for a short amount of time. There’s also a story but in general the game is all about beating up enemies within the 14 levels. The controls are a little bit clunky and the game tents to crash often on the PS4 version, especially when you grab enemies. To avoid crashes it is best to attack your enemies with “dashes” and / or “drop-kicks”.

What about trophies?
The trophies in this game are really easy and you should get all of them within one playthrough. All you need to do is the check the move list, hit an enemy with every move and weapon, kill 300 enemies and beat the game. If you really missed something, you can replay every chapter after finishing it. In case you want to know more about trophies, check out this guide on

Where can I get this game?
Squareboy vs Bullies is only available digitally via the PSN store. The EU version is cross-buy, which means that you get the PS4 and Vita version for the price of one. Surprisingly, the NA version isn’t cross-buy. If you need PSN cards, you can buy them here. There you get digital codes, which will be send to you via e-mail within minutes.

As a trophy hunter, should I get this game?
Yes, as the game is cheap, easy and very short. There are 4 versions (EU PS4 + Vita, NA PS4 + Vita) available, which means that you can unlock up to 3 Platinum Trophies – depending on the region you live in.

Hard Facts:
System(s):                          PS4 + Vita
Trophies:                            1P, 7G, 9S, 10B
Points:                                1230
Trophy Stacks:                   4 (EU PS4 + Vita, NA PS4 + Vita)
Difficulty:                            2/10
Time to Platinum:               1-2 hours
Number of Playthroughs:   1
Fun Factor:                         3/10


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