Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 3, 2018

Platinum #255: Jak II (PS4)

Hey there!

Thanks to the recently found debug mode, Jak II can now be completed within 5 minutes.

What is the game all about?
Jak II is a platformer which has originally been released for PS2 in 2003. It’s the second installment of the Jak and Daxterseries and has received very good critics. Back in 2012, Naughty Dog released a port of the game for PS3 and Vita, and in 2017, a port was released for PS4.
The Jak and Daxter games have a very high fan base, like the Ratchet & Clank games. If you’re a fan of platformer, you should definitively give this game a try.

What about trophies?
The game has a lot of story related trophies and trophies related to collectibles. Normally, you need approximately 15-20 hours to unlock the Platinum Trophy, but with the recently found debug mode you can get all trophies within 5 minutes. All you need is a second controller.
Check out the video by my buddy IBadDriverIbelow. He explains how to enter the debug mode and to unlock the trophies quickly.
Please note that this method works perfectly on PS4 and with some restrictions on PS3. On Vita, entering the debug mode works but you can only unlock a few trophies.

Where can I get this game?
Jak II can be found in the PSN stores.
If you need PSN cards, you can buy them at play-asia.comor at There you get digital codes, which will be send to you via e-mail within minutes.

As a trophy hunter, should I get this game?
Yes, you should definitely get the PS4 version when it is on sale. It’s not worth to pay full price for a game you can complete within minutes.

Hard Facts:
PS4, PS3, Vita
1P, 4G, 10S, 26B
Trophy Stacks
3 (PS4, PS3, Vita)
1/10 (on PS4 with debug mode), 4/10 on PS3 and Vita
Time to Platinum
5 minutes (on PS4 with debug mode), 15-20 hours on PS3 and Vita
Number of Playthroughs
Fun Factor

If you’re interested in more quick and easy Platinum Trophies, check out my 1 HOUR PLATINUM TROPHIES list. In this list, I’ve mentioned all games I could complete within 1 hour.


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